Reading genuine Russian news daily is a necessary excercise for understanding Russia. Today I felt like posting my readings in this blog.
I ran the Russian news section taken from a major online news portal,, through Google autotranslator. Then I edited the text making it more comprehensible. It is far from grammatically perfect, but it is readable. I also included the original text in Russian.
These are the today's morning headlines as they appear on the portal.
Applications from the Ingush voters who ignored the elections could be left without official proceedings in order to avoid the loss of the republic’s MP
The opposition fears that the lack of single-member districts can cause the republic to lose its single MP if the court finds the results invalid. Meanwhile, an elected deputy from Ingushetia, Belana Hamchiev is considered as a possible mediator between the residents of Ingushetia, the current authorities, the security forces and the Kremlin.
Sharing Medvedev: the parties, which nominated the successor, want to participate in the preparations for the elections together with the "United Russia"
Leaders of Sverdlov offices of "Fair Russia", "Civilian force" and the Agrarian Party of Russia suggested setting up a regional headquarters of the electoral coalition candidate. So far, Medvedev’s headquarters on the ground are created on the basis of United Russia, and three other parties are allowed to work only formally.
Participation in the elections is threatening Kasyanov with three years of imprisonment
This can be the effect of the facts of falsification of signatures in the two entities of the Russian Federation (in the Yaroslavl region and the republic of Mari El). Experts explain that accusing or not accusing Kasyanov of criminal intent depends on the attitude of the prosecution.
In Moscow, an Armenian was knifed by a group of adolescents. He is in critical condition
Law enforcement has not yet said whether the motivation was racial hostility, but all the details point to it: on the Bolshaya Academicheskaya street, Vladimir Karamzhyana was attacked by five persons, without any reason, he was stabbed in the heart area.
In the Chelyabinsk region more than 20 garages dynamited, rescuers searching for a victim
Explosion in Troitsk thundered on Thursday morning. According to the rescuers, the search for the victim started from the three garages forming the biggest group of ruins. There the force of the blast raised and put back the roofs. At the explosion site the entire composition of Troitsky detachment of the Regional Rescue Service is operating.
A bus and a trolley bus full of passengers fell into a hole formed because of the aqueduct breakthrough in Blagoveshchensk
No one was hurt. Road is blocked, traffic is sent around the emergency zone. Water supplies had to be completely disconnected from the major water lines. 27.5 thousand people remain without hot and cold water. The consequences of the bridge accident are planned to be eliminated by noon.
Central Election Committee will declare the results of the second verification of signatures in support of Kasyanov
After the first verification of the signatures given in support of Kasyanov the percentage of falseness exceeded 15%. Preliminary results reviewed again - 13% of falseness. Thus, given that the decision in a similar case is based on the results of verification of two samples, the chances of a successful registration of Kasyanov remain relatively small.
Fire occurred in a school in the North of the Irkutsk region
According to preliminary data, the cause of the fire has been shorting of electrical wiring in the cupboard on the first floor, which occurred as a result of a breakthrough of the heating system on the second floor.
In Ingushetia armored personnel carrier with the military ambushed: there are dead and wounded
The incident occurred in the village of Troitskaya in the area near where the forces of the Ministry of Defense Regiment are deployed. Unknown assailants fired at the car with automatic rifles. A fight started, which lasted about 10 minutes. In the shooting two soldiers from armored carrier were killed. The prosecutors have the same information, but without the victims.
Kasyanov was urgently called to the Central Electoral Committee in the night. But he did not go
Representatives of presidential candidate were given a copy of the telegram: he was invited to 11:30 PM in order to receive a protocol on the results of a secondary stage of the verification of signatures. The headquarters of the ex-premier called this "humiliation". Meanwhile, the head of the CEC Churov found in Kasyanov’s signatures sheets the names of fictional characters from Saltykov-Shchedrin’s books.
The opposition fears that the lack of single-member districts can cause the republic to lose its single MP if the court finds the results invalid. Meanwhile, an elected deputy from Ingushetia, Belana Hamchiev is considered as a possible mediator between the residents of Ingushetia, the current authorities, the security forces and the Kremlin.
Sharing Medvedev: the parties, which nominated the successor, want to participate in the preparations for the elections together with the "United Russia"
Leaders of Sverdlov offices of "Fair Russia", "Civilian force" and the Agrarian Party of Russia suggested setting up a regional headquarters of the electoral coalition candidate. So far, Medvedev’s headquarters on the ground are created on the basis of United Russia, and three other parties are allowed to work only formally.
Participation in the elections is threatening Kasyanov with three years of imprisonment
This can be the effect of the facts of falsification of signatures in the two entities of the Russian Federation (in the Yaroslavl region and the republic of Mari El). Experts explain that accusing or not accusing Kasyanov of criminal intent depends on the attitude of the prosecution.
In Moscow, an Armenian was knifed by a group of adolescents. He is in critical condition
Law enforcement has not yet said whether the motivation was racial hostility, but all the details point to it: on the Bolshaya Academicheskaya street, Vladimir Karamzhyana was attacked by five persons, without any reason, he was stabbed in the heart area.
In the Chelyabinsk region more than 20 garages dynamited, rescuers searching for a victim
Explosion in Troitsk thundered on Thursday morning. According to the rescuers, the search for the victim started from the three garages forming the biggest group of ruins. There the force of the blast raised and put back the roofs. At the explosion site the entire composition of Troitsky detachment of the Regional Rescue Service is operating.
A bus and a trolley bus full of passengers fell into a hole formed because of the aqueduct breakthrough in Blagoveshchensk
No one was hurt. Road is blocked, traffic is sent around the emergency zone. Water supplies had to be completely disconnected from the major water lines. 27.5 thousand people remain without hot and cold water. The consequences of the bridge accident are planned to be eliminated by noon.
Central Election Committee will declare the results of the second verification of signatures in support of Kasyanov
After the first verification of the signatures given in support of Kasyanov the percentage of falseness exceeded 15%. Preliminary results reviewed again - 13% of falseness. Thus, given that the decision in a similar case is based on the results of verification of two samples, the chances of a successful registration of Kasyanov remain relatively small.
Fire occurred in a school in the North of the Irkutsk region
According to preliminary data, the cause of the fire has been shorting of electrical wiring in the cupboard on the first floor, which occurred as a result of a breakthrough of the heating system on the second floor.
In Ingushetia armored personnel carrier with the military ambushed: there are dead and wounded
The incident occurred in the village of Troitskaya in the area near where the forces of the Ministry of Defense Regiment are deployed. Unknown assailants fired at the car with automatic rifles. A fight started, which lasted about 10 minutes. In the shooting two soldiers from armored carrier were killed. The prosecutors have the same information, but without the victims.
Kasyanov was urgently called to the Central Electoral Committee in the night. But he did not go
Representatives of presidential candidate were given a copy of the telegram: he was invited to 11:30 PM in order to receive a protocol on the results of a secondary stage of the verification of signatures. The headquarters of the ex-premier called this "humiliation". Meanwhile, the head of the CEC Churov found in Kasyanov’s signatures sheets the names of fictional characters from Saltykov-Shchedrin’s books.
Original Russian texts
Оппозиция опасается, что в связи с отсутствием одномандатных округов, если суд признает результаты недействительными, республика останется без депутата. Между тем, избранного депутата от Ингушетии Белана Хамчиева считают возможным посредником между жителями Ингушетии, ее нынешними властями, силовиками и Кремлем.
Поделить Медведева: партии, выдвинувшие преемника, хотят разделить участие в подготовке к выборам с "Единой России"
Поделить Медведева: партии, выдвинувшие преемника, хотят разделить участие в подготовке к выборам с "Единой России"
Лидеры свердловских отделений "Справедливой России", "Гражданской силы" и Аграрной партии России предложили создать в регионе коалиционный избирательный штаб кандидата. До сих пор штабы Медведева на местах создавались на базе "Единой России", а три другие партии допущены к работе в них лишь формально.
Участие в выборах грозит Касьянову тремя годами тюрьмы
Участие в выборах грозит Касьянову тремя годами тюрьмы
Именно такие последствия может иметь возбуждение дел по фактам фальсификации подписей в двух субъектах Российской Федерации (в Ярославской области и республике Марий Эл). Эксперты поясняют, что вменять в вину Касьянову преступный умысел или нет, зависит от позиции следствия.
В Москве группа подростков порезала армянина. Он в критическом состоянии
В Москве группа подростков порезала армянина. Он в критическом состоянии
О мотивах расовой неприязни в правоохранительных органах пока не говорят, но почерк указывает на это: на улице Большая Академическая на Владимира Карамжяна беспричинно напали пятеро, нанесли ему ножевое ранение в область сердца.
В Челябинской области взорваны более 20 гаражей, спасатели ищут пострадавшего
В Челябинской области взорваны более 20 гаражей, спасатели ищут пострадавшего
Взрыв в Троицке прогремел в четверг утром. По словам спасателей, поиски пострадавшего начаты с территории трех гаражей, где образовался самый крупный завал. Там силой удара приподняло и положило обратно крышу. На месте взрыва находится весь состав Троицкого отряда областной спасательной службы.
В Благовещенске в яму из-за прорыва водопровода упали автобус и троллейбус с пассажирами
В Благовещенске в яму из-за прорыва водопровода упали автобус и троллейбус с пассажирами
Никто не пострадал. Дорога перекрыта, весь автотранспорт направляется в обход места ЧП. Пришлось отключить полностью от водоснабжения крупный микрорайон - 27,5 тысяч человек остались без горячей и холодной воды. Устранить аварию планируется к полудню.
ЦИК РФ огласит итоги повторной проверки подписей в поддержку Касьянова
ЦИК РФ огласит итоги повторной проверки подписей в поддержку Касьянова
После первой проверки подписей в поддержку Касьянова процент брака превысил 15%. Предварительные итоги повторной проверки - 13% брака. Таким образом, учитывая то, что решение в подобном случае выносится по сумме двух выборок, шансы Касьянова на успешную регистрацию сравнительно невелики.
В школе на севере Иркутской области произошел пожар
В школе на севере Иркутской области произошел пожар
По предварительным данным, причиной пожара стало короткое замыкание электропроводки в буфете на первом этаже, которое произошло в результате прорыва системы отопления на втором этаже.
В Ингушетии обстрелян BMW с военными: есть данные о погибших и раненых
В Ингушетии обстрелян BMW с военными: есть данные о погибших и раненых
Инцидент произошел в станице Троицкая Сунженского района, рядом с местом дислокации полка Минобороны. Неизвестные обстреляли машину из автоматов. Начался бой, который продолжался около 10 минут. В перестрелке погибли двое военнослужащих из BMW. У прокуратуры те же сведения, но без жертв.
23 января 2008 г., 23:13
Касьянова на ночь глядя срочно вызвали в ЦИК. Но он не поехал
23 января 2008 г., 23:13
Касьянова на ночь глядя срочно вызвали в ЦИК. Но он не поехал
Представителям кандидата в президенты передали копию телеграммы: его пригласили к 23:30, чтобы получить протокол о результатах вторичной проверки подписей. Штаб экс-премьера назвал это "издевательством". Тем временем глава ЦИК Чуров нашел в его подписных листах имена вымышленных героев Салтыкова-Щедрина.
23 января 2008 г., 22:12
23 января 2008 г., 22:12
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Very tthoughtful blog
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