Thursday, January 31, 2008

Breaking News! Russia Reveals Cyber Wars Program

From the Russian press:
Russian military admits developing information warfare arsenal

According to Vedomosti:

"Первый заместитель начальника Генштаба ВС РФ генерал Алексей Бурутин на заседании Национального форума информационной безопасности сообщил, что Россия приступила к разработке «информационного оружия»".

"First assistant chief of the Russian Armed Forces High Command general Aleksey Burutin (Алексей Бурутин),
in the meeting of the National Information Security Forum said that Russia has begun developing «information weapons»".

According to news article titled "
Armed Forces High Command: Russia has to prepare for information warfare":

"Генерал-лейтенант Алексей Бурутин, первый заместитель начальника Генштаба Вооруженных Сил РФ, заявил на ИБ-форуме «Информационные решения для безопасности России», что Россия должна готовиться к глобальным информационным войнам, сообщает Прайм-ТАСС."

"Lieutenant-General Aleksey Burutin (Алексей Бурутин), first assistant chief of the Russian Armed Forces High Command (первый заместитель начальника Генштаба Вооруженных Сил РФ) said during the National Information Security Forum's conference «Information solutions for the security of Russia», that Russia has to prepare for global information warfare, according to Russian leading state press agency Prime TASS".

"Итар-ТАСС пишет с его слов: «победы в возможных войнах будут достигаться путем уничтожения ИТ-управления государством и вооруженными силами. «В ближайшем будущем достижение побед в войнах и вооруженных конфликтах будет решаться за счет подавление государственного и военного управления противника, его навигации и связи, воздействия на ИТ-объекты, от которых зависит стабильность управления страной»"

"According to Itar-TASS with reference to the general: «victory in possible future wars will be achieved by destroying IT management structure of the state and its armed forces. In the nearest future victories in wars and armed conflicts will be achieved by suppressing state and army management of the enemy, his navigation and communications, by affecting IT entities, on which state's management stability depends»".

Despite the fact that the general isn't giving many details on what methods of subduing enemies' IT infrastructure or what kind of "information weapons" are in development by his army, instead doing something similar to quoting random geek's magazines, technically there's hardluy any other possible way than applying, and massively applying hackers' techniques, spam, DDOS, viruses etc, perhaps combined with some hardware on the military and intelligence side. The general says in one of the quoted articles, that achieving the goals of the information war wouldn't require crossing the border into enemy territory.

From this point it seems to me that Mr Burutin's presentation may in fact be too modest as compared to actual capacities of his subordinates. After the Russian cyber blizkrieg in late April and early May I can only wonder if the announced "information forces" already possess in their CV not unsuccessful IT weaponry test.

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